
The Medical Board of California's Executive Director Barbara Johnston Resigned

Posted by Adam G. Slote - March 19, 2010

On February 1, 2010, the Medical Board of California announced the appointment of a new interim Executive Director, Linda Whitney, the Board's chief of legislation. Ms. Whitney succeeds Barbara Johnston, who resigned as the Board's executive director to accept a position in the private sector in her field of expertise, telemedicine. According to the Board's press release: Ms. Whitney has worked for several of the Department of Consumer Affairs' boards and bureaus since 1975. She has worked for the Medical Board since 1994 in a variety of capacities, including administrative management and, most recently, as chief of legislation, promoting the Board's public-protection mandate as its liaison at the State Capitol. Ms. Whitney received her bachelor of arts at U.C. Davis and her master's degree at Golden Gate University. A search is underway for a new Executive Director.


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